Friday, February 24, 2006

Foggy San Francisco

So I spent the afternoon on Berkeley kid-sitting (which is a whole 'nother story), and was driving back on the Bay Bridge at about 9:15 went I got the craziest urge to eats tons of Chinese food. There was no traffic and for once I liked the song on the radio (iPod is on vacation....), so I'm singing along in a good mood, until I want to eat dumplings or stir-fry or whatever so badly it makes me crazy. Then I rolled down my window (did I mention the balmy 60 degrees after dark in February factor?), and realized that it was because the city of San Francisco really smells like dim sum. After years of people's jokes about it, I realized that actually, they have a point. San Fran is covered in a haze of dim sum steam. I am gonna get me some today.

1 comment:

caitlinvb said...

I think SF smells more like fried egg rolls, now that I think about it (and now taht I have driven accross the bridge a few more times....)